JW Selected Music Vol2-E


Take Sides with Jehovah!
The Life of a Pioneer
Life Depends on God’s Word
Ever Loyal
We Will Keep Enduring



SONG 32: Take Sides With Jehovah!

(Exodus 32:26)

1.Once with confusion our sad hearts were filled,

Drinking the cup false religion distilled;

But with what happiness our hearts were thrilled

When of God’s Kingdom we heard.



Take sides with Jehovah; Make him your delight.

He’ll never forsake you; Walk on in his light.

Tell, tell the glad tidings Of freedom and peace.

His rule by Christ Jesus Will ever increase.


2.Shoulder to shoulder we stand on God’s side,

Preaching the news of his Kingdom earth wide.

Now is the time for each one to decide,

Time to take sides with our God.



Take sides with Jehovah; Make him your delight.

He’ll never forsake you; Walk on in his light.

Tell, tell the glad tidings Of freedom and peace.

His rule by Christ Jesus Will ever increase.


3.We will not fear what the Devil can do.

Trusting Jehovah will carry us through.

Though they are many and though we are few,

God is our strength and our might.



Take sides with Jehovah; Make him your delight.

He’ll never forsake you; Walk on in his light.

Tell, tell the glad tidings Of freedom and peace.

His rule by Christ Jesus Will ever increase.


SONG 81: The Life of a Pioneer

1.At the start of the day, with the sun yet to rise,

We are making our way

with the sleep in our eyes, and we pray.

We are there with a smile for the people we meet.

Some may stop for a while,

some pass by on the street, but we stay.



It’s the life that we choose;

For Jehovah we live.

And whatever he asks, we will do.

In the work we endure,

Whether sunshine or rain.

It’s a way we can say ev’ry day: “I love you.”


2.At the end of the day, with the sun sinking low,

Feeling happy and tired,

in our heart there’s a glow, and we pray.

It’s a life that we love, always giving our best.

And Jehovah we thank,

for by him we are blessed ev’ry day.



It’s the life that we choose;

For Jehovah we live.

And whatever he asks, we will do.

In the work we endure,

Whether sunshine or rain.

It’s a way we can say ev’ry day: “I love you.”


SONG 97: Life Depends on God’s Word

 1.Life depends on Jehovah’s Word,

All the things he has said.

We must live not on bread alone;

Live by his Word instead.

Even now we have peace and joy,

Future blessings assured.



Man must live not on bread alone;

Life depends on God’s Word.

There we find what we daily need;

Life depends on God’s Word.


2.True accounts in God’s written Word

Tell about those of old.

Men and women who walked in faith—

They were loyal and bold.

We’re encouraged each time we read

All they did and endured.



Man must live not on bread alone;

Life depends on God’s Word.

There we find what we daily need;

Life depends on God’s Word.


 3.Day by day as we read God’s Word,

He gives comfort and hope.

When the trials of life arise,

He gives wisdom to cope.

May we treasure within our heart

All we’ve read and we’ve heard.



Man must live not on bread alone;

Life depends on God’s Word.

There we find what we daily need;

Life depends on God’s Word.


SONG 124: Ever Loyal

1.Ever loyal to Jehovah,

Loyal love we wish to show.

As a people, dedicated,

His commands we want to know.

His advice will never fail us,

And his counsel we obey.

He is loyal; we can trust him.

From his side we’ll never stray.


2.Ever loyal to our brothers,

Sticking close in times of need.

Ever caring, always trusting,

Ever kind in word and deed.

We show honor to our brothers

And respect them from the heart.

Ever loyal, ever closer,

From their side we’ll never part.


3.Ever loyal to their guidance

When our brothers lead the way.

When they give us clear direction,

May we loyally obey.

Then the blessing from Jehovah

Will be ours to make us strong.

When we’re loyal, ever faithful,

To Jehovah we’ll belong.


SONG 129: We Will Keep Enduring

1.How can we endure

When trials come, as Jesus said?

Through his pain he saw

The joy of better things ahead.

God’s promise, God’s justice,

Were thoughts on which he fed.



We need to have endurance.

Our faith we must defend.

His love is our assurance.

So we will keep enduring to the end.


2.Though the passing years

May bring us sorrow, bring us pain;

There beyond the tears,

We see the life that we can gain.

To be there, feel free there,

Determined we remain.



We need to have endurance.

Our faith we must defend.

His love is our assurance.

So we will keep enduring to the end.


 3.We will not give up

Nor see the need for doubt or fear.

Faithfully we’ll serve

Until Jehovah’s day is here.

Let’s keep on enduring.

That time is very near.



We need to have endurance.

Our faith we must defend.

His love is our assurance.

So we will keep enduring to the end.

